Monday, February 7, 2011


Wow.. it's been a tough couple of weeks. I was having a real hard time post treatment recovering and getting strength back. I had a headache that wouldn't give up. Today is the first day I feel like I'm almost kind of 'back'. My head feels like a toothache. It hurts all of the time, but unless it's pressured I've been able to deal with it. I've stayed awake all day. I feel like shouting. I'm a big girl now :-) So that's a biggie.
We've been dealing with winter storms for the past week.. An ice/snow storm of a couple of inches of ice that wasn't too horrible, that was last Wednesday. We got things taken care of and we were okay. The wind hit along with the ice so none stayed on the power lines. Then it got cold, very cold. Friday we were supposed to get a 'dusting' of snow. It snowed all day, about 4". For Arkansans, that's a snow storm. Now they say we are supposed to get more. I don't know. Sunday we were supposed to have an inch, it rained. I haven't a clue what it's going to do tomorrow night. Rob will be home, we will get feed tomorrow. So we'll ride :-)
Not a whole bunch has really been going on here. I did get some molds for my soaps. And went through some of the soap in the back room and gave a bunch to the ladies at church. It was stuff that wasn't curing right and I want to make some to get ready for flea markets in the spring. And I want to play with more soap making to be honest. I am feeling better. Hallelujah.
Other news. My brother, Jeff, asked me for my address tonight via Facebook. he's going to be interning and needs my address as a sibling. Glory be, I pray it's not political because we're probably about as far as the east is from the west politically, but I gave it to him. I have no problem. Poor guy... my legacy with twenty-something continues LOL.
Speaking of twenty-somethings. We got the older kids' insurance stuff straightened out. This is a good thing. Now they need to use it. I talked to them both today and they sounded okay. Betha is gripey, but such is Beth. Erich's Erich.. but such is Erich. I pray, I pray.. but such is me.
Tomorrow's goals. Be prepared for winter weather. As much as possible. Bake something from scratch. I'd like to make a batch of cold process soap. We'll see :-) Good night and God Bless

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