Thursday, January 6, 2011


Today has been a day of progress. I got a lot of minor things done.. yippeeee! Things that needed to be done. Now I'm exhausted. I did email the pastor. We'll see what he says. I put it out, if he feels the same, great, if not, great. I don't know if the Lord really wants me teaching middle grade kids. I have one of them at home.

Now, another thing.. how this blog is going. Do I want to keep it rambling unto myself. For now, probably. As time goes on I think I'll make it more of a farm journal, soaper type thing. I need something for me at the moment.  Got the calendula oils done last night. Some in olive oil for soap, hopefully I'll do some of that this week end, to mainly see how it cures in the cold. Then I got some in grapeseed oil for us to use as hand cream and such. I'd like to figure out how to make some lotion and such using calendula That's about to be on the forefront. Goat's milk lotion. It's going to take a bit of money to get started, so it'll be a few weeks, but I'd like to get some going using some of the herbal things I know. Today I made some salve, it was interesting. I screwed up somewhere because it's a little too thick; I have a question for Andi to see if I can soften it up, or do I just heat it up everytime I need it. Either way it's good stuff. Smells fantastic. Used a pound of beeswax in it.. absolutely glorious. I'd love to have more beeswax and make some lip balm and stuff.. I'd really, love, love, love to have bees, but being allergic to them, I don't think that would be a good idea.

Also got some stock done today. 5 quarts done. Rob tells me now that he thinks the stuffing was still in the bird.. ah well.. it's had the crap boiled out of it now and strained and reboiled and strained.. and pressured. It's safe. May taste a little 'interesting' but hey a lot of our food tastes 'interesting'.. which is why we can't replicate it often.

Tomorrow I need to email the student loan ppl and see if we can start figuring out why they can't seem to figure out that yes, I am still disabled and it's not getting any better. I really dislike dealing with that. But I have to do it and while Rob's in a bad mood because he's sick with a sinus infection (and didn't listen to me about all the herbs I told him to take.. he took some, not all.. which is why it didn't go into bronchitis,) I might as well just allow myself to be in a bad mood too and deal with them. So I'll email them and start that argument and mail them more stuff if they'll give me an address this time and hopefully that'll take care of student loan ppl. Tell you what, if they'll make the MonSter go away, I'll go to work and happily pay off the student loans.. I'd be happy to do that. I'd be a drug/alcohol counselor or  a caseworker and I'd pay on my loans happily. But.. it's not something that student loans can do, so I'll deal with that by starting the email process tomorrow (sorry I sound bitter)

Today has been a MonSter day. I'm ready for treatment. I don't like getting chemo, I really don't. It makes me feel lousy, I puke.. everyone loves to puke.. NOT. But I woke up this morning with a numb spot on my tongue. Come on now.. this one is new. One small spot on my tongue that is numb. It has driven me up the wall all day long. I have gone to the bathroom mirror to look at it a dozen times, nothing's wrong with it.. it's just numb. I've also had the MonSter hug.. hugs are great.. MonSter hugs aren't.. it's like from right under my arms to just above my belly button is in a vise. a nice tight vise. that squeezes every so often. Not comfy.. And the ever present headache.. 8 days away.. just 8 days away. I'm ready.

Other plans for tomorrow. Getting ready for the cold snap. Gotta get hay out in the back, lots of hay out. Get hay up here too. I'd like to have a couple of bags of shavings ready just in case we have kids. And some wood cut up. I'd also like to have all the waterers cleaned out and filled. Maybe that'll happen. I'd like to can up some potatoes this weekend while I have the canner out. Lots to do, praying for energy!!!!

On that merry note, going to head to bed!

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