Saturday, January 1, 2011

wow.. there's a learning curve here

Wowsers.. there's a learning curve here. The one and only time I tried to blog was on the now defunct 360 thingy that was around a long time ago. I got frustrated with it when it went through one of its many upgrades and lost me, so I quit. But it's been a while. and .. well it's been a while.
But there are things that I'm starting this year that I need accountability with. Things I don't want my Beloved harping on me or heaven forbid the children. Because if the children harp on me that gets dangerous. Very dangerous. The 18 yr old really wants to be my mother.. but, that position is already taken, even though I've been taking care of my mom forever (for Christmas I sent her a food basket with instructions on how to cook it... she's 70 years old and just moved in with her boyfriend.. it's very hard to be a Conservative daughter of a wild and crazy hippy mother! (Mom, if you ever read this, I apologize.. I love you, I wish you and Tom would get married and make it legal.. but I know you gotta do what you gotta do)... anyhow I'm rambling again. The 18 yo wants to mother me. If the 7 yo even attempts to tell me what to do I'm going to seriously consider allowing him to go live in the goat shed like he's been wanting to.

So there are things I want to be held accountable with. 1) I'm going to read through the Bible in a year. I've done this before, quite a few times actually. What I generally do is start off with a bang and go wonderfully, then slack off, get way behind, then spend a day and read the Bible all day long and get caught up and then finish. I don't want to do that this year. I want to spend each and every day spending a set amount of time reading God's Word. My Beloved gave me a Bible for Christmas, a large print one, that I can read and not have to read on the computer and I'm tickled to death about it. So I need to just read and mark it off.
2) I want to get my soap stuff going. I can make soap, now I need to get off my tushie and market it and actually sell it. That is now a goal. I also want to make some lotion and other stuff to sell too. We are going to have a cut in income in May, we've got to get some $$ coming in.
3) not panic over the Bear going to college. I fuss and complain about the kid, but I adore her. I gotta work on letting go
4) stockpiling and learning to stockpile more
5) can and dry bunches more stuff

Now that I'm completely overwhelmed I will quit. I also want to write more. I need to write again and just let it out. I'm hiding out and that's not good for me. I may even let a few ppl know that I'm writing this.. maybe.. maybe not :).. who knows

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