Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wow, it's been a few days

It's been a few days since I've been here! Not a whole bunch going on. Still in molasses land from no treatment. Went in Friday and the doc decided that we're going to up the dose of cytoxan (heck of a name for a chemo isn't it?? cytoxan.. we will now be placing cy toxan in your system.. this is to make you feel better.. just fills a person with all sorts of warm fuzzies.. NOT.. but so be, it works and I'm not complaining.. but do wish they could find a different name for the stuff.. something like 'knock the socks off your immune system".. "REBOOT".. or something to that effect.. Ended up not taking the kids to band Wednesday. Held down the couch and slept with the dogs.. blech. This too shall pass. But back to the doc visit Friday. Since they are upping the dose of cytoxan, they have to give another med to protect my bladder. Cytoxan isn't bladder friendly and causes burns and such.. not nice. So instead of a 2 hr treatment, it's a 5 hour treatment, which meant that I needed to come back. And that means I get to go back Wednesday.. yea.. I'm thrilled.. Not.. Wondering how we're going to manage all of this because I don't have anyone to take care of Elijah, nor to take him to band on Wednesday. And Rob is working. We'll figure it out, we always do. I am going to see if I can wait until next Monday (the 24th) and go then.. might as well go for broke and take forever and a day to get treatment.. SIGH.

So that covers that. I'm still in molasses land. But making it. Yesterday was Rob's and my anniversary (just spent 5 minutes trying to figure out the correct tense to put that in.. who cares.. my blog, y'all get what I mean.. I speak and I type Southern.. no one is following me, therefore no one has to read this.. therefore no one has to deal with it .. LOL)  But anyhow, we've been married 8 years. And what a blessed 8 years it's been. Tremendous blessings. Trials too, but so many blessings.My knight in shining aluminum. And the best couch-holder-downer around .. he's doing that now. He worked all night Thursday night, took me to the doc Friday, came home went to sleep about 3, slept on and off until about 8, went back to sleep at 10 and woke up at 5 this morning. Then couldn't go back to sleep. So now he's crashed on the couch. I figure he'll be up and at'em ready for church in the am, driving us all nutso, but that's okay. He's good at it.

Today my good buddy Andi came out to look at a couple of places around here. It would be so awesome if she and her brood moved out this way. My oh my.. could we all get into some trouble.. well not trouble, but glory be, we'd have a lot of food put up, animals hatched out, milked, butchered. She's a baking fool. She also does herbal things out the wazoo. She's not that comfortable canning. But man alive that woman can make anything grow. Anything. And she's a whiz at making something from nothing. Things that I have to get better at. I can can and put up things and make soap.. that's my claim to fame, period. that's it. That's all she wrote. I can also crochet.. whoo hooo.. not a whole bunch. But she and her hubby are the real deal. They do it all. I have a lot of respect for them both and love them dearly.

Well tomorrow is church day, I need a shower and go to bed. Gotta get up and get to Sunday school What a blessing it is to get to go to Sunday school.

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